Professor Sandy O’Sullivan (2023 photo, cos we love a photo taken in the last 10 years)
I’m a Wiradjuri (Aboriginal), transgender/non-binary person, and a Professor in the Department of Indigenous Studies at Macquarie University. I also a lead the Intimacies strand of the Centre for Global Indigenous Futures.
I’ve been an academic for 32 years and a creative practitioner for a decade longer, so I’m quite old and hoping to get a bit older. My work is grounded in First Nations’ perspectives, and spans creative practice, gender and queer studies, performance, and representation/s of identity in museums and public spaces. I’m interested in how complex diversity is understood across these and intersecting areas.
I’m currently an ARC Future Fellow - which means I got a lot of money from the government to look at the way that queer Indigenous creative work makes our world better.
The fellowship work started a few years ago and goes forward to 2025. My day to day is working with Dr Hannah Reardon-Smith. We are supported in our work by a number of career researchers, including our esteemed colleagues, Gender/Queer Studies researcher, Madi Day, and Head of Department, Head of CGIF, and Head of the World as we know it, Professor Bronwyn Carlson.
This website has four sections:
Current - anything happening at the moment
Work(s) - info and links to current and past writing, and other work.
Selfies - a section focused on relationships
Gender notes - an anti-colonial work/life blog